Custom Conflict Procedure

The Custom Conflict Produre is to be activated only in complex cases for which the other processes in the Conflict System are not applicable.

1. Engage People & Culture

Arrange a meeting with People & Culture. Together you will try to find a mutually agreeable next step within the resources available. Potential options include, but are not limited to:

  • another attempt at a direct conversation

  • a supported conversation facilitated by a member of P&C

  • convening a panel of topic-relevant colleagues to listen and help shape agreement. It can’t force a decision but usually carries enough moral weight for matters to come to a conclusion.

  • arranging for an external mediator or other expert to host a supported conversation or mediation

  • arranging for intervention by an external authority

  • a group-supported conversation, mediation or Restorative Circle if the conflict involves or has impacted the wider community/group

  • arranging creative and intuitive (non-dialogical) processes to explore conflict, e.g. systemic constellations, process work etc.

  • arranging conflict coaching or mentoring support.

  • escalating the issue to become a formal employment matter and activating a relevant process; this is particularly the case if the matter is serious and/or involves accusations of bullying, harassment, victimisation and/or discrimination.

If the processes tried are not able to find a way forward, or the process has broken down, then move to step 2.

2. Engage Organisational Arbitrator

People & Culture will refer the matter to the Organisational Arbitrator role, or a role with equivalent authority, and this role will issue a judgment on next steps to take.

Last updated