Our Approach To Money

We see money as a way to achieve our purpose, not a goal in and of itself.

We strive to use money in a way that helps us stick around for the long haul and make Animal Freedom a reality. At the same time, we want to stay true to our values. To use money in a thoughtful and balanced way that meets ATT's needs, we suggest using the below five principles:

  • Mission: We’re here to change the world. We consciously engage with money to move towards our end goal of Animal Freedom, whether directly or indirectly.

  • Care: Our people matter. When engaging with money, we prioritise the security, wellbeing and fulfilment of present and future members and volunteers.

  • Sensible Frugality: Resources are scarce for social movements. We seek the biggest impact out of every pound. We minimise expenses and seek savings where we sensibly can. But we're sensible about it: sometimes it’s worth spending more to save time, access opportunities, or help people feel safe.

  • Culture: How we engage with money impacts the behaviours and mindsets around us. We seek to engage with money in a way that affirms the culture we need to thrive as an organisation. We also want to be a positive role model for allies, potential allies, and others that share ATT’s broad goals.

  • Responsibility: Our choices leave marks on the wider world, from animals to nature to human society. We seek to tread lightly and support the building of a world that aligns with ATT’s values.


When engaging with money on behalf of ATT, we suggest paying attention to the considerations below. Each consideration relates to the five principles above. You can use the considerations in many settings, for example for creating money-related policy, distributing ATT funds or accepting gifts.

The considerations are intended as guidelines. You can weigh up relevant considerations, get advice from others if needed, and use your authority and best judgment. We trust you.


  • What might be the impact on Animal Think Tank’s mission, and the wider mission for Animal Freedom? Are there intangible impacts to consider?

  • Will time be saved? Or more time spent?

  • Will opportunities be opened up or closed off?

  • How will relationships be impacted? How important are they?

  • Will productivity be impacted?

  • Will ATT’s reputation be impacted? How?

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