Usage Guide: ProofHub
We use ProofHub for online team-wide communication. ProofHub operates within your preferred browser and exists as a mobile app (Google Play Store and Apple App Store).
Guidelines to help everyone have a good experience on ProofHub:
Public Channels (listed as 'Projects'): Everyone has the permission to create public channels. By default, all channels you create must be public channels. This ensures that most communication across ATT is easily searchable.
Private Channels: Only create a private channel if you want to have conversations in private which you wish to be hidden from the wider group. These messages won't appear in searches.
Channel Members: Only add members to a channel if they need to be in it.
Channel Names: If creating a channel, you must start the channel using the below naming conventions:
A channel for a circle must start with #circle. E.g. #circle-mission
A channel for a project must start with #proj. E.g. #proj-hackday
An organisation-wide channel must start with #attwide. E.g. #attwide-banter
A channel for anything that doesn't fit into the above three buckets must start with #misc. E.g. #misc-leadershippractice
Reaching people:
If you want everyone to see something, make sure you subscribe them to your thread. Tip: to subscribe everyone, type 'a' (for 'all people') in the subscription list choice box and click All People. Conversely, if some people don't need to see your post, please protect their focus by not subscribing them. Everyone is expected to keep up to date with the Announcements channel (and the Announcements you'll find via the megaphone button on the ProofHub homepage).
For 1:1 communications, use e-mail or ProofHub's Chat function rather than channels.
If you want a specific person to see something in a channel, tag them using @. Everyone is expected to keep up to date with posts they've been tagged in. Bear in mind people are sometimes behind on ProofHub though, especially during Deep Days/Week, so if something is urgent, you might want to reach them on a channel they're likely to check more often (e-mail, etc).
Last updated
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