Governing The Organisation


We use the rules of the Holacracy Constitution to govern our Organisation in the day-to-day. When we talk about the "Organisation", this means all the work that directly contributes to ATT's purpose. You can find the rules of the organisation documented via the roles and policies in Glassfrog.

We see our Organisation as separate from its people. It's a separate entity that exists to serve ATT's purpose. It consists of Circles and Roles, which each have their own purpose that contributes to the organisation's purpose. People then fill those Roles. You might fill multiple Roles across the organisation.

The Direction Circle ultimately holds ATT's overall purpose. It distributes decision-making authority and resources to its sub-Circles and sub-Roles. Authority and resources continue to flow into more specific Roles and Circles.

Circles have Circle Leads. They are not managers of people, and they are not there to solve people's problems or tell you what to do. They look after the Circle's purpose. They define the work needed to achieve that purpose. They decide what work ought to be prioritised. They assign people to and from Roles, and allocate the Circle's resources.

We don't rely on managers to drive organisational change. Every Role and Circle has access to processes so they can make small changes to the organisation and make it easier to get work done.

Articles of Association

In certain special circumstances, the Holacracy Constitution may be superceded by our Articles of Association. These are rules our company directors must legally use in circumstances where conflicts can't be resolved using Holacracy's rules.

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